The BSHP is committed to fostering an environment that is inclusive, tolerant of a diversity of views, perspectives and methodologies, and free from bias, discrimination and intimidation. This commitment is reflected across the whole range of the Society’s activities: in the editing practices of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy; in the Society’s choice of conference topics; in its procedures for selecting conference papers and appointing the chairs of sessions; in its procedures for assessing submissions for its Graduate Essay Prize and Rogers Prize; in its procedures for allocating funding for conferences, seminars and scholarly activities; in the organisation and running of the Society’s book series, New Texts in the History of Philosophy; in the election of the Society’s officers; in posting information on the Society’s website; and in the Society’s relationship with its members. The Society is dedicated to creating a forum where everyone is - and feels - welcome.
The Society subscribes to the Good Practice Policy recommendations of the British Philosophical Association and the Society of Women in Philosophy. Applicants for funding are required to show they have taken gender balance into account, and the Society’s officers are responsible for ensuring that there is no gender bias, harassment or discrimination in its procedures or activities.
The Society is alert to the British Philosophical Association’s guidance about making conferences and seminars accessible, and aims to satisfy these recommendations as far as possible. The Society welcomes enquiries about the accessibility of individual events and is committed to making its activities as inclusive as it can.
Complaints, if they arise, should be addressed to the Chair of the Management Committee who has authority to respond to them, and if necessary will be dealt with by the Management Committee as a whole.
Socrates and Plato