
Registration and Programme for BHSP Annual Conference 2023: Knowing in Historical and Cross-Cultural Context

The registration link for the conference, to be held in Aberdeen on 14-15 April, is now available, along with the conference programme.

Keynote speakers:

Peter Adamson (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Karyn Lai (University of New South Wales)

This conference will explore conceptions and forms of knowing in historical and cross-cultural context. Contemporary analytic epistemology has focused on the relationships between knowing and believing and between knowing-that and knowing-how. But has this always been the case in the history of epistemology? In recent years, there has been increasing interest in social epistemology and virtue epistemology, which raises more obvious questions of historical and cultural variation. What other epistemological conceptions and concerns can be found around the world and through history? Comparative epistemology is now starting to thrive, so how can the debates here be integrated into ‘mainstream’ epistemology?

More information here.