
Call for Papers. BSHP Annual Conference 2025: Animals and the Environment in the History of Philosophy

The conference will explore animals and the environment in the history of philosophy. We are interested in exploring this theme in its full breadth including all periods and traditions.

3-5 April
University of Cambridge

Keynote Speakers

  • Clare Mac Cumhaill
  • Dalia Nassar
  • Catherine Rowett
  • Mara van der Lugt

Call for papers

Questions to be addressed include:

  • How have animals and the environment been represented in the history of philosophy?
  • How have past thinkers construed the relationship between humans and non-human animals?
  • What is the place of the natural environment in the history of ethics and political philosophy?
  • Is there anything the history of philosophy can teach us for our engagement with animals and the environment today?

Individual papers: Please send an abstract of 500 words maximum for a paper suitable for a 20-minute paper to <>. Please also submit, in a separate document, your name, email address and institution.

Symposia: Please send a proposal of 500 words maximum for a symposium of 3–4 papers (of 20 minutes each) with abstracts of 300 words maximum for each paper to <>. Please also submit, in a separate document, the email address and institution of each participant, and the name and email of the symposium organizer who will serve as contact person.

Deadline: 11th December 2024.

Authors will be informed by the end of January 2025.


Registration and further details will be announced in due course.

Further information

  • All conference participants, including accepted speakers, must be BSHP members. However, you need not be a member in order to submit an abstract. For information on the BSHP and how to join please visit <>.
  • As signatories of the BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme, the BSHP will take steps to ensure gender balance among speakers and participants.
  • As for all BSHP events, some funding is available for childcare. Information about claiming for childcare in order to attend the conference, will be announced in due course.
  • Graduate students and unwaged members who are accepted speakers may apply for a bursary of up to £200. Details to follow.
  • Venue information, including information about health and safety and accessibility, will be available soon.

For further information and updates see the Conference page and contact <>.